Effective Environmentalism: Symposium with Humanitas Visiting Professor in Sustainability Studies

11 March 2016, 14:00 - 17:00

Room1.25A/B, David Attenborough Building, Mew Museums Site

Free to attend but registration is required. To book your place please click here or use the online registration link on this page. Places are limited.

Paul Ferraro, the Humanitas Visiting Professor in Sustainability Studies 2015-16, will participate in a concluding symposium with invited guest speakers. They will discuss  effective environmentalism and how  the use of the behavioural sciences and economics may lead to  smarter environmental solutions.

Confirmed Speakers
Professor Andreas Kontoleon (Land Economy, Cambridge)
Professor Laurent Mermet (AgroParisTech)
Dr James Vause (UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre)
Dr Lynn Dicks (Zoology, Cambridge)

Chair: Dr Bhaskar Vira (Director of Cambridge Conservation Research  Institute)


Other events in this series:

Tuesday 8 March Open Lecture: Environmental Problems are Human Problems: insights from the behavioural sciences

Wednesday 9 March Seminar Impact Evaluation of Protected Areas: what do we know about impacts, moderators and mechanisms?

The Humanitas Chair in Sustainability Studies has been made possible by the generous support of the Tellus Mater Foundation who sponsor the Humanitas Visiting Professorships in Cambridge.

For administrative enquiries please contact Michelle Maciejewska.




Introduction by Dr Bhaskar Vira (Geography/UCCRI)

Professor Paul Ferraro
Effective Environmentalism: an overview of key themes


Comment: Professor Andreas Kontoleon (Land Economy)

Comment: Dr Lynn Dicks (Zoology)

Comment: Professor Laurent Mermet (AgroParisTech)

Comment: Dr James Vause (UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre)


Response: Professor Paul Ferraro

Open discussion and audience Q/A


Tea Break


Open discussion and audience Q/A

The Humanitas Chair in Sustainability Studies has been made possible by the generous support of Tellus Mater Foundation who sponsor the Humanitas Visiting Professorships at CRASSH.

Over its 5 year duration, the Visiting Professorship will touch on a diverse range of topics relating to sustainability studies, ranging from the environment and behaviour, to policy and economics.

The Humanitas Chair in Sustainability Studies is organised in collaboration with the Cambridge Conservation Initiative (CCI), a unique collaboration between the University of Cambridge and leading internationally-focussed biodiversity conservation organisations clustered in and around Cambridge, UK. CCI seeks to transform the global understanding and conservation of biodiversity and the natural capital it represents and, through this, secure a sustainable future for all life on Earth. The CCI partners together combine and integrate research, education, policy and practice to create innovative solutions for society and to foster conservation learning and leadership. 

Previous Humanitas Visiting Professors in Sustainability Studies

2014-15  Johan Rockström

2013-14: Gretchen Daily

Standing Committee

Mike Rands (Excecutive Director, Cambridge Conservation Initiative)
William Sutherland (Zoology)
Bhaskar Vira (Geography, Cambridge Conservation Research Institute)

Hosting College

Trinity Hall