From the Feminine to Feminism: Women in Islamic Thought and Literature

12 March 2014, 17:00 - 18:30

Mill Lane Lecture Room 3

All the lectures are free to attend and registration is not required.

Mona Siddiqui will give  a series of  lectures and participate in a concluding symposium. This third lecture is From the Feminine to Feminism: Women in Islamic Thought and Literature.

Conversations about women and gender related issues have become mainly about rights and justice. Diverse feminist perspectives highlight the reality of women's lives in many parts of the Islamic world and either critique patriarchal structures or explain Qur'anic verses according to 7th century contexts.   Yet, this socio-historical emphasis has almost eclipsed the variety of images of the feminine which are also to be found in Islamic thought, literature and poetry. Is the reality of women's lives somewhere between both struggle and ideals, the feminine and the feminist?

Other events in this series

Lecture 1: Monday 10 March Can you Text a Divorce? Negotiating Women’s Rights in Law and Society

Lecture 2: Tuesday 11 March Mary  in Christian-Muslim Relations

Symposium: Thursday 13 March Feminism, Religion, and Women's Rights


For administrative enquiries please contact Michelle Maciejewska.

The Humanitas Chair in Women's Rights has been made possible by the generous support of Mrs Carol Saper.

The Humanitas Chair in Women’s Rights was conceived as a way to explore the political, sociological and theoretical issues pertaining to Women’s Rights from global development and environmental change to biomedical advances.

Past Humanitas Visiting Professors in Women's Rights

2012-13: Melanne Verveer (first first US Ambassador for Global Women's Issues)
2011-12: Baroness Helena Kennedy (Barrister and expert in human rights law, civil liberties and constitutional issues; member of the House of Lords)
2010-11: Nancy Fraser (Henry A and Louise Loeb Professor of Philosophy and Politics, The New School for Social Research, New York)

Standing Committee

Henrietta L. Moore (Sociology)
Sarah S. B. Franklin (Sociology)
Jens M. Scherpe (Law)

Hosting College

King's College