Competition of Life Game (HUMANITAS)

30 October 2014, 11:00 - 13:00

University Centre (Mead Room)

This event is free, open to all and part of the Festival of Ideas 

Johan Rockström, Humanitas Visiting Professor in Sustainability Studies 2014, will give a series of three public events entitled Earth Resilience and World Development: Pathways towards global sustainability in an era of rapid global changes and participate in a concluding symposium on Friday 31 October.

Events in the Series

Human Prosperity within Planetary Boundaries (HUMANITAS)
28 October 2014, Lady Mitchell Hall, Sidgwick Site

Public lecture.

Planetary Boundaries 2.0: Defining a safe Operating Space for Humanity on Earth (HUMANITAS)
29 October 2014, Department of Geography, Downing Site

Cambridge Conservation Initiative Seminar.

Competition of Life Game (HUMANITAS)
30 October 2014, University Centre (Mead Room)

Interactive event for teenagers along with Professor Johan Rockström. Participants are divided into teams of 4-5 and using simple tools to represent renewable resources, this activity will hopefully inspire understanding and discussion on the different strategies people use to manage resources in the real world.

From Sustainable Development to Global Sustainability (HUMANITAS)
31 October 2014, SG1&2, Alison Richard Building, 7 West Road

Concluding symposium with respondents Bill Adams (Cambridge), Gretchen Daily (Stanford Woods) and Bill Sutherland (Cambridge).

The Humanitas Chair in Sustainability Studies has been made possible by the generous support of Tellus Mater Foundation.

Over its 5 year duration, the Visiting Professorship will touch on a diverse range of topics relating to sustainability studies, ranging from the environment and behaviour, to policy and economics.

The Humanitas Chair in Sustainability Studies is organised in collaboration with the Cambridge Conservation Initiative (CCI), a unique collaboration between the University of Cambridge and leading internationally-focussed biodiversity conservation organisations clustered in and around Cambridge, UK. CCI seeks to transform the global understanding and conservation of biodiversity and the natural capital it represents and, through this, secure a sustainable future for all life on Earth. The CCI partners together combine and integrate research, education, policy and practice to create innovative solutions for society and to foster conservation learning and leadership. 

Previous Humanitas Visiting Professors in Sustainability Studies

2013-14: Gretchen Daily

Standing Committee

Mike Rands (Excecutive Director, Cambridge Conservation Initiative)
William Sutherland (Zoology)
Bhaskar Vira (Geography)

Hosting College

Trinity Hall