The Changing Nature of European War Between 1815 and 1914

7 February 2014, 14:00 - 18:00

CRASSH, Alison Richard Building, 7 West Road (SG1&2)

Please register via the link on the right handside of the page


Prof. Margaret MacMillan (University of Oxford)


Prof. Holger Afflerbach (University of Leeds)
Prof. Lieven
(University of Cambridge)
Dr Annika Mombauer (The Open University)
Prof. Stevenson (LSE)
Prof. Otte (University of East Anglia)

Events in the Series

European Society and War
03 February 2014, Law Faculty (LG19)

First Lecture by Humanitas Visiting Professor in War Studies, Margaret MacMillan.

Thinking about war before 1914
04 February 2014, Law Faculty (LG19)

Second lecture by Humanitas Visiting Professor in War Studies, Margaret MacMillan.

Planning War before 1914
06 February 2014, Law Faculty (LG19)

Third Lecture by Humanitas Visiting Professor in War Studies, Margaret MacMillan.

The Changing Nature of European War Between 1815 and 1914
07 February 2014, CRASSH, Alison Richard Building, 7 West Road (SG1&2)

Concluding Symposium

Image: John Singer Sergant, Gassed © Imperial War Museum (Art.IWM ART 1460)



  • Prof. Otte (University of East Anglia)
  • Dr Mombauer (Open University)
  • Prof. Afflerbach (Leeds)
15.45 -16.10

Tea break

16.10 - 17.30


  • Prof. Stevenson (London School of Economics)
  • Prof. Lieven (University of Cambridge)

Drinks Reception

The Humanitas Chair in War Studies has been made possible by the generous support of Sir Ronald Grierson

The Humanitas Visiting Professorship in War Studies aims to debate issues within this cross-disciplinary field in a historical perspective, especially in light of the policies and military tactics of modern and contemporary warfare. Political, social, psychological and cultural theories of war will be explored through discussions between academics - from history, politics and international studies, English and other disciplines - and real practitioners from the armed services and government.

Previous Humanitas Visiting Professors in War Studies

2011-12: Jay Winter (Charles J Stille Professor of History, Yale)
2010-11: Hew Strachan (Chichele Professor of the History of War, Oxford)

Standing Committee

Christopher Clark (History)
Andrew Gamble (POLIS)
Brendan Simms (POLIS)

Hosting College

Churchill College