Why Journalism, and Why it Matters in a World in Flux

13 November 2013, 17:00 - 18:30

Faculty of Law (LG19)

This event is free and open to all.

Alastair Campbell  will give two public lectures and participate in a concluding symposium, Media and Politics in a Changing World, on Wednesday 20 November. 

Events in the series

Why Journalism, and Why it Matters in a World in Flux
13 November 2013, Faculty of Law (LG19)

The first lecture by CRASSH Humanitas Visiting Professor in Media 2013-14, Alastair Campbell

Journalism and Democracy: Grounds for Optimism in the Face of the Future?
14 November 2013, Lady Mitchell Hall, Sidgwick Site (NOTE CHANGE OF VENUE)

The second lecture by CRASSH Humanitas Visiting Professor in Media 2013-14, Alastair Campbell

Media and Politics in a Changing World
20 November 2013, The Pitt Building (Darwin Room)

A symposium with CRASSH Humanitas Visiting Professor in Media 2013-14, Alastair Campbell



The Humanitas Chair in Media has been made possible by the generous support of the Blavatnik Family Foundation.

At a time when new forms of communication, and in particular social media, are being used as tools for revolution and revolt, the Humanitas Chair in Media will address the intertwined issues of journalism, freedom and democracy in what is an increasingly digital age. Visiting Professors in the fields of social sciences and humanities will explore the impact of the internet and new technologies as well as new media’s relationship to more traditional forms.

Previous Humanitas Visiting Professor in Media

2012-13: Eric Schmidt (Executive Chairman, Google)
2011-12: Manuel Castells (University Professor and the Wallis Annenberg Chair in Communication Technology and Society at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles) 2010-11: Mathias Döpfner (CEO Axel Springer)

Standing Committee

John Thompson (Sociology)
Allègre Hadida (Judge Business School)
John Naughton (Wolfson College) 
Anne Alexander (CRASSH/POLIS)

Hosting College

St John's College