The Energy of Reality and the Creativity of Art

29 April 2015, 17:00 - 18:30

Mill Lane Lecture Room 3

The lecture is free to attend and no registration is required.

The CRASSH Humanitas Visiting Professor in Chinese Studies, Xu Bing (Former President of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing),  will give  two public lectures  and participate in a concluding symposium. He will also attend a talk and reception at the Fitzwilliam Museum to celebrate his visit to Cambridge.


The lecture will address the motivation of artistic creation through case studies where the artist gets his source of inspiration.
-The relationship between the energy of reality and the energy of creativity
-From where does the artist get his inspiration?
-The tendency to create in a  certain style is an artist's destiny
-The organic development of artistic creation
-Why I say don't take art too seriously and where does its new energy come from?


Other events in this series

Lecture 1: Monday 27 April  The Reactivation of Tradition

Talk and Reception: Tuesday 28 April  Xu Bing at the Ftizwilliam Museum

Symposium: Thursday 30 April Chinese Tradition/Chinese Reality


For administrative enquiries please contact Michelle Maciejewska.


The Humanitas Chair in Chinese Studies  has been made possible by the generous support of Sir David Tang.

The Humanitas Chair in Chinese Studies will gather together academics and graduate students from different disciplines across the arts, social sciences and humanities with a research interest in China.

Previous Humanitas Visiting Professors in Chinese Studies

2013-14: David Derwei Wang (Edward Henderson Professor in Chinese Literature at Harvard University, Director of CCK Foundation Inter-University Center for Sinological Studies, and Academician, Academia Senica)
2012-13: Chen Yung-fa (Modern History Institute of the Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan)
2011-12: Wu Hung (Harrie A Vanderstappen Distinguished Service Professor in Art History and East Asian Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago)

Standing Committee

Hans van de Ven (Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies)
Susan Daruvala (Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies)
Adam Chau (Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies)
Boping Yuan (Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies)
Uradyn Bulag (Social Anthropology)

Hosting College
St Catharine's College