Raphaële Garrod


‘La Fabrique du Naturel: Ingénuités et Ingéniosités en France à l'aube du Grand Siècle’

Raphaële Garrod is a postdoctoral researcher in the ‘Genius Before Romanticism: Ingenuity in Early Modern Art and Science’ ERC project led by Dr Alexander Marr.

Her first book, Cosmographical Novelties: Dialectic and Discovery in Renaissance French Prose (Brepols: 2017) described the role played by the loci, that is, the early modern logic of invention or discovery, in the discursive advent of cosmological and cosmographical novelties in the vernacular. The ‘Genius before Romanticism’ project gives her the opportunity to investigate the ‘natural’ component of early modern invention: the ingenium. Her project focuses on ingenuity-as-‘naturel’ in seventeenth-century France. While the Grand Siècle repeatedly acknowledged the innate powers of ingenium and elevated it to the status of aesthetic ideal – Pascal’s style naturel – the whole culture of the Age of Reason attempted to define systematically and discipline such nature: by shaping one’s naturel, styling’s one’s taste, and directing one’s mind. La Fabrique du naturel explores the contribution of the culture of seventeenth-century French ingenuity to the history of the emergence of the modern subject in general, and of the modern notion of literature in particular. 


Before coming to CRASSH, Raphaële was a research associate on the History of Jesuit Emotions project at CHE – a revolutionary abbreviation for the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions. There, she worked on theories of affects and their instantiations in the works of early modern French Jesuit Nicolas Caussin. She remains an honorary fellow of CHE.

Prior to her Jesuit investigations and in good dialectical fashion, Raphaële researched French Calvinists as a Junior Research fellow at Newnham College from 2009 to 2012. She completed her doctoral dissertation under the supervision of Neil Kenny in the French department at MML in 2011. She had started it as a Knox scholar at Trinity College in 2005.

Raphaële is agrégée de lettres modernes and taught French literature in French secondary schools for two years before moving to the United Kingdom in 2004.



2018: with Alexander Marr, José Ramón Marcaída and Richard Oosterhoff, Logodaedalus. Word Histories of Ingenuity in Early Modern Europe (Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh University Press). Under review

2016: Cosmographical Novelties in French Renaissance Prose: Dialectic and Discovery, Early European Research 9 (Turnhout: Brepols) Reviewed in Chromohs, the Journal of the Northern Renaissance, French Studies, and Renaissance Quarterly.

Edited Volumes

2018: Cartesian Ingenuity. Embodied Cognition in the Philosophy of René Descartes, ed by R. Garrod, A. Marr and R. Serjeantson (Oxford: Oxford University Press). Book project submitted to the press in September 2016. Editing in progress.

2018: Natural History in Early Modern France: Poetics of an Epistemic Genre, ed. by R. Garrod and P. J. Smith, Intersections (Leiden: Brill).Contracted. Copy-editing by the press in progress.

2017: Changing Hearts: Performing Jesuit Emotions Between Europe, Asia, and the Americas, ed. by R. Garrod and Y. Haskell, Jesuit Studies (Leiden: Brill). Contracted. Copy-editing by the press in progress.

2007: Pierre de Marivaux, La Fausse Suivante, ed. R. Fruet (maiden name) (Larousse: Paris, 2007)

Refereed Journal Articles

2016: with Michael Champion, Yasmin Haskell and Juanita Feros Ruys 'But Were They Talking about Emotions? Affectus, affectio and the History of Emotions' in Rivista Storica Italiana, 2017: 2, pp.521-43

2013: ‘Idolatry and Accommodation: “Histoires” and Their Natural-Philosophical Interpretations in Simon Goulart’s Commentaires et annotations sur la Sepmaine de Du Bartas (1583)’, Journal of the History of Ideas, 2013: 74.3, pp.361-80

2012: ‘On Fish: Natural History as Spiritual materia medica: Calvinist Pastoralism in Pierre Viret’s Instruction Chrestienne (1564)’, Perspectives on Science, 2012: 20.2, pp.227-245

Book Chapters

2018: 'Subtilis -- Inutilis. The Jesuit Pedagogy of Ingenuity at La Flèche in the Seventeenth Century' in Teaching Philosophy in the Seventeenth Century: Text and Image, ed. by Susanna C. Berger and Dan Garber (Princeton, Princeton University Press). Final manuscript complete. Editing in progress.

2018: 'Between Knowledge and Literature: Natural History as a Genre', Introduction in Natural History in Early Modern France: Poetics of an Epistemic Genre, ed. by R. Garrod and P. J. Smith, Intersections (Leiden: Brill). Final manuscript complete. Contracted. Copy-editing by the press in progress.

2018: ‘The Natural-Historical Rejuvenation of Emblematics: The Moral Pedagogy of Nicolas Caussin’s Polyhistor Symbolicus’ in Natural History in Early Modern France: Poetics of an Epistemic Genre, ed. by R. Garrod and P. J. Smith, Intersections (Leiden: Brill). Final manuscript complete. Contracted. Copy-editing by the press in progress.

2017: 'Ramism' in The Cambridge History of Early Modern French Thought, ed. Michael Moriarty and alii (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). Final manuscript complete.

2017: with Yasmin Haskell: 'Introduction' in Changing Hearts: Performing Jesuit Emotions Between Europe, Asia, and the Americas, ed. by R. Garrod and Y. Haskell, Jesuit Studies (Leiden: Brill). Contracted. Copy-editing by the press in progress.

2017: 'Pathos, Martyrdom and Senecan Catharsis In Nicolas Caussin’s Felicitas (1620): A Case Study in Jesuit Reconfiguration of Affects' in Changing Hearts: Performing Jesuit Emotions Between Europe, Asia, and the Americas, ed. by R. Garrod and Y. Haskell, Jesuit Studies (Leiden: Brill). Contracted. Copy-editing by the press in progress.

2015: ‘Jesuit Conceptual Eclecticism and Moral Prescription About Affects: Caussin and Suárez on Maternal Love’ in Hearts and Minds: Ordering Emotions in Europe (1100-1800). Essays in Honour of Philippa Maddern, ed. by Susan Broomhall, Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions 195 (Leiden, Brill), pp.180-96. In press.

2014: ‘Aristotelianism and Scholasticism’, ch.45 in part IV: ‘Latin and Philosophy’ of the Encyclopedia of Neo-Latin Studies, ed. J. Bloemendal, C. Fantazzi and P. Ford (Leiden: Brill), pp.589-602

2011: ‘Jesuit Teachings on the Topics: The First Book of the De arte rhetorica libri tres’ in Commonplace Culture in Western Europe in the Early Modern Period, Reformation, Counter-Reformation and Revolt, ed. M. B. Bruun and D. Cowling (Leuven, Peeters: 2011), pp.19-38


Genius before Romanticism, Researcher


September 2014 - September 2018


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