Katherine Reinhart


Katherine Reinhart is a Postdoctoral Research Associate on the AHRC-funded project Making Visible: The visual and graphic practices of the early Royal Society.

Katie recently completed her PhD in the History of Art and the University of Cambridge. Her doctoral research examined the visual culture of the Académie Royale des Sciences in Paris from 1666-1715, and the epistemic and political functions of images in the early Academy. Her current project expands this research to the Royal Society exploring issues of graphic skill, visual and scientific practice, patronage structures, knowledge production, and the political uses of images.

Prior to Cambridge, Katie earned her B.A. in Art History and History of Science at the University of Wisconsin – Madison and obtained her M.A. in History of Science and Technology from Johns Hopkins University. She has also worked in museums. 


Making Visible, Research Associate


September 2015 - October 2019


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