Creative Method Event: Exploring Creative Writing with Olumide Popoola

28 October 2021, 17:00 - 19:00

Online event (UK time)

This is an online event hosted via Zoom. Registration is required for this event.
Download the event poster

Theme 1: Queerness and Race


Creative Method Event:

Olumide Popoola (Writer and Speaker)



The first creative methods event in our programme will be led by Nigerian-German writer and speaker Olumide Popoola. Her publications include essays, poetry, the novel When We Speak of Nothing (2017), the play text Also by Mail (2013), the novella this is not about sadness (2010), and the short collection Breach (2016), which she co-authored with Annie Holmes.

In this session, we will discuss and experiment with the power of creative writing for exploring issues relating to queerness and ‘race’. Participants will hear about Olumide’s own research and writing process, discuss extracts from published works, share ideas around the potential benefits and challenges for bringing creative writing into their own research and activism, and have a go at responding to some writing prompts. 

Zoom links will be circulated to pre-registered participants before the event.



An event organised by Global Conversations Towards Queer Social Justice Research Network
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